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Copy of 20 Presidential Primary Debate Questions and Answers

Fellow American Citizen: my name is Ben Stewart, and I am running as an Independent Candidate for President of the United States of America. Please join me in being part of the solution and not the problem. #LoveAmericaBeAmerican. ​ Below are 20 Presidential Primary Debate Questions and answers by Independent Candidate Ben Stewart for President:

Presidential Primary Debate Questions

1. What is your plan to address the ongoing climate crisis and transition to clean and renewable energy sources?

I believe our founding fathers would have us to allow the free commerce market to shape the future, instead of passing legislation to make America 100% clean energy. It will cripple the current model of everything running on gas and oil. You cannot drive an electric car farther than 500 miles or so without stopping and letting it charge for at least an hour. I believe the market will drive itself, and the American people should choose what they drive. I also believe if we made the electric car batteries a standard size and voltage, with standard connections, electric car owners would be able to swap out batteries like propane tanks. At a battery exchange, that acts like a gas station, batteries from different makers could be swapped out. This would allow a person to change out their batteries in less than 15 minutes and drive without restrictions.

I believe the free market should drive the demand for clean energy. I do not believe the American people are ready to give up gas engines and oil. I do not believe we have to pass legislation for the world to go electric, I believe the people and their elected lawmakers will decide. We are borrowing money from other nations, to pay our minimum payments here in America, we cannot afford to go 100% clean energy. We have got to stop spending money we do not have! I will veto anything that adds to the national debt.

2. How do you plan to rebuild and strengthen the economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Legalizing cannabis would make marijuana a legitimate business and help sustain hemp and weed as a farmer's crop. By creating jobs through the legalization of marijuana, anyone could grow marijuana for a cash crop.

I also believe that creating a Gulf Pacific Canal of Trade on the Southern Texas border would benefit us in two ways. First, it would turn the border of Texas and Mexico into a United States Canal for trade, much like the Panama Canal. Secondly, it would prevent people from entering the United States illegally from Mexico. We would need to dig it deep enough and wide enough so there is no tunneling through or stepping over. Then, monitor the bridges and the locks with helicopters. Yes, I know it would be a great achievement and undertaking, but a canal 2000 times the size of the Panama Canal can be done: just like the Great Wall of China, Mount Rushmore, or Hoover Dam. If we cannot get our lawmakers to do it, then finish the wall that has never been built.

I believe it is a matter of National Security. The Army Corp of Engineers could engineer the Gulf Pacific Canal, and I believe the Armed forces could build and sustain the border with people already on the payroll. Another option would be to accept public bids and to offer half of the profits of the commerce for the first 3 years to an American citizen or American company to perform the work. It would create many jobs and a lot of commerce, which would turn a problem into a successful solution: producing more jobs, trade and commerce, as well as a secure border. It would have to pass through the Senate and the House of Representatives, of course. If elected, I will send a message that shutting down the border will be done even if by the force of the United States Armed Forces standing shoulder to shoulder.

3. What steps will you take to ensure affordable and accessible healthcare for all Americans?

I am running on the promise that I will not raise the national debt; I will veto anything that adds to our national debt. I believe our current system is working and people are able to receive healthcare. We are borrowing on a maxed-out credit card from other nations, in terms of running our own houses, to pay the minimum payments. We are borrowing from other nations, so we are not financially independent and sovereign due to not having a balanced budget, and overspending. We are spending more than we make. We have got to bring the budget into balance. I will veto anything that will not fund itself or adds to the national debt.

4. How will you address the issue of systemic racism and work towards achieving racial equity and justice in the United States?

I do not believe in racism; I am a Christian and I believe there are two kinds of humans: male and female. I believe our founding fathers died in real war on our shores to free us from a king’s social order. Our founding fathers gave their fortunes, lives, blood, sweat and tears so we could have the same opportunity to do as much good as you we think of, as long as you harm no other soul. What dream can you not chase if it is good, right, and true, here in America?

I do not believe we have an unjust Judicial System. I believe you cannot get convicted unless you have been found guilty after having been tried, on a fair trial, based on facts. I believe the truth of the facts convict a man. I also will be legalizing marijuana, which will keep many from prison.

5. What actions will you take to reform the criminal justice system and address issues such as police brutality and mass incarceration?

I think an educational system should include teaching each officer the value of human virtues and morals at least once a year, if not twice a year. These law enforcement officers have to stay human and kind after seeing real people dead and real trauma. I think we should teach classes in ethics, morals, and virtues so these police officers can balance between being a good neighbor and a terror to the evil doer. This will help solve the problem.

6. How do you plan to address the growing wealth and income inequality in the country?

Our founding fathers did not fight and lose their blood, sweat, tears, and lives so we could have income equality. Have you forgotten it is wrong to want other people’s stuff? How much of other people’s money do you think you have earned or deserve? We all have the same opportunity here in America; we can all dream and achieve our American Dream by doing the most good we can think of doing.

I want to reshape the welfare system to include requirements to receive welfare. I believe those on welfare should be required to spend 20 hours a week doing 1 of 3 things:1) documented training and education for a new job, 2) Documented searching a job, or 3) documented community service, such as community gardens, big brother and big sister, and other such good programs. This would cause those on welfare to always be educating and training themselves for a better job, always looking for a better a job, and always helping their neighbors.

Also, I think welfare recipients should have to go to a family planning class teaching birth control, family budgeting, family planning in order to become self-sufficient and not government-dependent. There should be no fatherless babies here in America; we give out condoms for free at local health departments.

7. What is your strategy to address the rising cost of education and student loan debt?

None. I think those who have taken out a loan and signed a contract have a moral obligation to fulfill their loan details and pay back what they agreed. I think it is stealing from those who, through apprenticeship programs, have no debt. This not only taxes skilled tradesmen, but also the uneducated and poor, to pay off a debt for which someone has already signed a contract to pay back. It’s wrong to steal another’s money in the form of taxes to pay your obligations, for your own personal decision to take out loan for your own personal education.

8. How will you ensure the protection of individual civil liberties while also maintaining national security?

By teaching and returning to the written rule of law given to us by our founding fathers. By using deadly force to end the evil of the enemies of America, when needed. Make no budget cuts in the military. I believe our military and every armed citizen is our best defense under God. We have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to peaceable assembly, right to bear and keep arms, and many other rights that give every American citizens freedom to become self-sufficient and not government-dependent.

9. What will be your approach to immigration reform and finding a comprehensive solution?

We need to use the policies already here and allow undocumented workers to start the adoption process to become citizens of the United States of America utilizing the public libraries in every city, teaching English and being a type of "Paris Island" for immigration reform. Libraries offer free education--like Benjamin Franklin envisioned, the free sharing of knowledge. It takes about 1-2 years for an undocumented person to become a citizen. By introducing more undocumented workers into the adoption system, we also introduce taxpayers who will pay their own share of taxes while becoming an American citizen. We would increase the tax revenue, because people becoming citizens would pay taxes, as opposed to undocumented workers taking from the citizens' monies and benefits. Many illegal immigrants have had children here in America, and these children are American citizens. It is wrong to break up a family, especially if they are willing to become a citizen by this new program, if not willing to become a citizen, then they, the family will be deported together and the American child can return when raised by their family, or be granted emancipated. If elected, I will send a message: we the people of the United States want this to happen, and I will make it happen with the full support of the voters.

10. How do you plan to improve the country's infrastructure and create jobs in the process?

Legalizing cannabis would make marijuana a legitimate business and help sustain weed and hemp as a farmer's crop. By creating jobs in the legalization of marijuana, anyone could grow marijuana for a cash crop.

I also believe that creating a Gulf Pacific Canal of Trade on the Southern Texas border would benefit us in two ways. First, it would turn the border of Texas and Mexico into a United States Canal for trade, much like the Panama Canal. Secondly, it would prevent people from entering the United States illegally from Mexico. We would need to dig it deep enough and wide enough so there is no tunneling through or stepping over. Then, monitor the bridges and the locks with helicopters. Yes, I know it would be a great achievement and undertaking, but a canal 2000 times the size of the Panama Canal can be done--just like the Great Wall of China, Mount Rushmore, or Hoover Dam. If we cannot get our lawmakers to do it, then finish the wall that has never been built.

I believe it is a matter of National Security. The Army Corp of Engineers could engineer the Gulf Pacific Canal, and I believe the Armed forces could build and sustain the border with people already on the payroll. Another option would be to accept public bids and to offer half of the profits of the commerce for the first 3 years to an American citizen or an American company to perform the work. It would create many jobs and a lot of commerce, which would turn a problem into a successful solution--producing more jobs, trade and commerce, as well as secure our border. It would have to pass through the Senate and the House of Representatives, of course. If elected, I will send a message that shutting down the border will be done even if it requires the United States Armed Forces to stand shoulder to shoulder.

11. What actions will you take to ensure the United States remains a global leader in innovation and technology?

Sign into law any legislation that will not add to the National Debt, passed through Congress and has a way to fund itself, if such happens, then I will sign it as the will of the voters of the American citizens.

12. How will you approach foreign policy and maintain strong diplomatic relationships with allies?

To be honest and fair in all our dealings, promoting peace and prosperity among NATO and other nations. We cannot surrender any of our sovereignty or freedoms of the American people, but must remain independent and free, while maintaining peaceable relations.

13. What is your strategy to address the ongoing threat of cybersecurity and protect the country's critical infrastructure?

I believe it is a matter of national defense, and I will not cut military spending. Sign into law anything that funds itself without adding to the national debt and keeps the United States of America on the top of cyber security and defense technology.

14. How do you plan to tackle the issue of gun violence and enact meaningful gun control measures?

Bring back rifle training and good gun responsibility taught again in the high schools, reinforcing the value of a human life and how to hunt for and grow food. Also, teaching students to be self-sufficient; this is a basic right of every human to know how to hunt, fish, and grow food. Some people do not even realize that corn comes from the dirt and a farmer, not Kroger or Wal-Mart.

15. What efforts will you make to promote and support small businesses and entrepreneurship in the country?

The only way to stop inflation morally, is to pay down the national debt and stop spending more than we tax. I propose a National Debt Sales Tax, which will legalize marijuana and tax it at 30% to pay off the national debt, along with alcohol at 2%, and tobacco at 1% sales tax. After the National Debt is paid off, each of these taxes would dissolve. Paying off the national debt is the only way that will stop inflation permanently. Did you know there was once a time when there was no federal income tax? When we bring the budget into balance, and stop borrowing from other nations, we can begin returning to no debt. We have a moral obligation to pay off our debts to the other nations. We are not financially independent until we balance the federal budget and stop borrowing. We need to balance the budget then go back to silver then the gold standard. Legalizing weed will add a lot of revenue to pay down the debt. Legalizing cannabis would also make marijuana a legitimate business and help sustain hemp and weed as a farmer's crop, being able to grow for a cash crop.

The purpose of a tax on marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco National Debt Sales Tax is to pay down the debt by taxing the things people spend their extra money on. Therefore, the man who can barely bring home bread to his family is not burdened and is able to get food and clothes for his family.

16. How will you address the challenges and opportunities presented by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation?

Sign into law anything that funds itself without adding to the national debt and keeps the United States of America on the top of cutting-edge technology. I believe it is a matter of national defense.

17. What steps will you take to protect and preserve the environment, including addressing issues such as deforestation and pollution?

Continue to cut a tree, plant a tree.

We need to standardize the electric car battery, so that different batteries can be swapped in and out of cars, much like a propane tank. Only then will it be feasible, in my opinion, to drive electric cars. We would have to develop standard battery compartment that will keep the center of gravity and accommodate different battery makers.

I do not believe the American people are ready to give up their gas and oil. We are broke borrowing from other nations to pay our bills, we cannot afford to go 100% clean energy. I believe the market will drive itself. I think we need cheap energy and that is more of the same.

If a business model is doable, then print postage on cardboard boxes to be delivered to the nearest recycling center.

Saving our oil reserves in Alaska so that if there is a war, we rely on our own oil, not that of an enemy.

18. How will you ensure access to quality and affordable housing for all Americans?

More of the same, but have those on welfare to complete a family management class teaching the basics of household budgeting and family planning. There should be no fatherless babies--we have free condoms here in America. We should also teach welfare recipients to become self-sufficient instead of government-dependent.

19. What is your plan to address the rising costs of prescription drugs and make healthcare more affordable?

None, I believe we have a working system here. However, if there is a bill that funds itself and does not add to the national debt, I will see it as the will of the people after passing through Congress.

20. How will you work towards bridging the political divide and fostering unity among Americans?

Have bills introduced anonymously, a type of lottery and who ever wins the number, must read then explain the bill to the rest of Congress. This will keep bills short; it will remove which party is introducing a bill for our citizens. We should not vote on party lines but on right and wrong. The Republican and the Democratic parties spend more time trying to stay in power by voting only on party lines, rather than giving the power to the people.

Take the names off of all bills introduced, a type of anonymous lottery so that party lines are no longer an issue when considering the issues. In addition, any funds needed to perform a bill's action must have a way to fund itself. I will veto any bill that adds to our national debt. The only way to end inflation morally is to pay off the national debt--we cannot borrow our way into a stable balanced budget forever. We can only finance debt for so long. We are, in essence, borrowing on a maxed-out credit card to pay the minimum payments and asking our lawmakers to borrow more from other countries. By doing so, we the people of the United States lost our financial Independence. We have lost our financial independence by borrowing from other nations to stabilize the economy, because we are spending more than we make. We do not have a balanced budget and this needs to be end. We need to re-enacted legislation to have a federally balanced budget. I will veto any bill that adds to the national debt.

Instead of free handouts to countries, we should ask them to become part of the United States of America as a state or territory. Roosevelt got Hawaii and Alaska, and Jefferson did the Louisiana Purchase. We could expand our borders and let them pay us back with trade agreements and taxes.

Bonus Question:
21. What are your Human Inequality and Social Justice Solutions:

Introduce ethics and morals--taught every year K-12--so that even kindergartners know what good morals are for humans. Perhaps bring back the teaching of the 10 Commandments, if our current society will allow God back into their schools. If not, we could offer ten ethical moral standards-of-conduct taught every year to establish a form of human decency and morals into our children. America continually sits at the table of knowledge of good and evil by use of internet search engines and other public services. We have to establish virtues, morals, and the value of human life in each of ourselves and our children, or our society will be lawless. Each child is born with no knowledge of good or evil and must be taught right from wrong, or to have virtues and morals continually.

Bring back the teaching of roles of females, how to be good caregivers to their children and husbands by using programs like home economics. It is nature that proves women are the ones who bear children and give milk. By design, women are caregivers to their children and husbands. Teach roles of males to be the breadwinners and provide and protect for their children and wives. We can do this by: Continuing introducing apprenticeships across the board in the form of tax relief for those business owners who participate. The idea is for an apprenticeship to last 5-7 years, starting in high school, and the apprentice has to work 2 years before starting his own business or running a second crew for his journeyman.

Have DNA testing for all who that deny they are male and female. We should be handing out DNA tests instead of condoms. People are so confused and coveting or lusting after what their birth gender, their parents, and God has not given them. I am of the "don't ask, don't tell" version of human. I do not care how you live your life, as long as you harm no other soul. Men lusting after becoming women are buying a lie sold by a doctor who says he can change a man into a woman. This is nothing but an expensive costume created by doctors who are mental, playing Frankenstein. I remember when Frankenstein was a horror movie, not a reality! People cannot be an animal; these are people with mental issues who need help from psychiatrists. No male human can produce a human egg. No female human can produce a human sperm. After having undergone surgery, a male who is called a transgender female is no female at all, because the unique defining characteristic of a woman is that she produces a human egg. The trans-female cannot produce a human egg, cannot produce breastmilk naturally, has no ovaries, and no menstruation. We cannot participate in their delusions but must stand against this lie, because they are teaching it as truth, to innocent children, before they learn the basic facts of human biology. This is wrong! It is gone too far and must be stopped. Teaching children, before adolescence and puberty, to make a life altering, life long decision to be supplied an artificial life, by a doctor who is lying to and mutilating them, for profit. Any sound minded man, who is an adult, would want to know all the facts associated with a life altering decision, which leaves people a slave or dependent to artificial hormones, drugs, and prescriptions supplied by a doctor selling a lie. The new creation of the doctor, cannot change these facts: No male human can produce a human egg. No female human can produce a human sperm, even after their surgeries. To mutilate children is wrong, gender change is a life altering life long decision, that should not be made by a child, with insufficient knowledge of human biology and a sound mind.

My intentions and goals are to keep America a place where anyone can do as much good as they can think of, as long as they do not hurt another soul--a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be preached and obeyed without fear of persecution, and other religions. A place where people can love their neighbor as themselves, as Jesus taught and without fear of a bully or evil man harming them. A place where the innocent soul does not fear harm and can do all the good he or she dreams of here in the land of opportunity, the United States of America. A place where love works no ill will towards its neighbor. What is best for the Christian is also best for those of other religions. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and be harmless as doves, but wise as a serpent, looking for the opportunity of salvation to strike with. We need to be looking for freedom from evil and a chance also, to show love to your neighbor. When we all have the American spirit doing what is best for our neighbors, as our founding fathers envisioned, freedom from evil, and to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, this nation will thrive. Our founding fathers sacrificed for the common good of every man, some with their lives, some their fortunes, some blood, sweat, and tears. Is that not the love of God providing every man freedom to do as much good as one can do and freedom from evil so we can love one another in truth and righteousness?

Will you support me for President by writing in my name for the office of United States President? Yes, or no?


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